
Showing posts from April, 2013


  It seems to be a word that most of us will agree to know but in reality in some part or the other we do not know the actual sense of it. Friends , they are just meant to be crazy ,mad , totally free and psychotic when around each other. Friends have  a relation which is deeper than that of two siblings or couple. ........And in  a few cases friends occupy more space in life than parents and family. Imagine  a day when u go to school or college and do not find your friend there. You think... "OK,may be he/she must be late." But in reality we just get over them if they do not turn up. It is extremely tough to survive in this world without friends. This was just a small example . Be it your first day at your school or college OR  your last.... without friends nothing seems to be easy. For people living away from their families and home , these friends together make up their  own family. They share everything ...(mind you not the private stuff) , get each other fixed with s