
Showing posts from October, 2014

When You Know Its Right

Its just when you know, This it it, This is the person. Its just when you know, My life is complete, My life is beautiful. Its just when you know, Life is about to change, Life is about to get better. Its just when you know, There will be emotional weeping, There will be a new addiction. Its just when you know, You have someone by your side, You have someone to be your guide. Its just when you know, You are in love, You have someone to look up to. Its just when , You know Its Right . 

Orientated Love

People say love is forever . But somewhere , somehow those people forgot to mention that love is just not limited to people who are attracted towards opposite sex . Love can happen to anyone , it can happen between two men , a man & a woman or between two women . Prohibiting or curbing somebody to love only on the basis of their orientation is something of a very low demeanor ,but the society applauds going against such couples with full confidence. Do people from the LGBT community force themselves on people who are straight ? Or they have different set of organs or they survive on something else rather than oxygen or are they not born the same way every straight person is??? Why differentiate then . Every single person on this planet has the right to choose whom to love & how to love . Its not just about the rights that gays and lesbians are fighting for . Transgenders have been fighting for their rights since centuries . They are looked upon as a different enti