Orientated Love

People say love is forever . But somewhere , somehow those people forgot to mention that love is just not limited to people who are attracted towards opposite sex . Love can happen to anyone , it can happen between two men , a man & a woman or between two women . Prohibiting or curbing somebody to love only on the basis of their orientation is something of a very low demeanor ,but the society applauds going against such couples with full confidence.

Do people from the LGBT community force themselves on people who are straight ? Or they have different set of organs or they survive on something else rather than oxygen or are they not born the same way every straight person is??? Why differentiate then . Every single person on this planet has the right to choose whom to love & how to love .

Its not just about the rights that gays and lesbians are fighting for . Transgenders have been fighting for their rights since centuries . They are looked upon as a different entity in our nation . In India being a transgender means just one thing i.e a living being,begging at signals , or earning with the help of blessings and clapping . Don’t they have a life too ?? Just because they look different it doesn't mean they don’t eat like us , they don’t smile or celebrate like us ? Why differentiate then . No strong grounds  to support this reason too .

Talking about section 377 in India ,its sad and depressing as to how learn ed and experienced personalities  give such a shocking judgement . What might have been the main reason or concept to stop a person from living his or her life? . Isn't this section violating Article 14 , the right to equality and equal protection of laws of Constitution of India and Article 19 , the freedom of speech and expression . If equality and expression will be curbed how will a person from this community express freely or communicate openly with the rest f the society . No answers right again with the so called founders of society

We all talk about it  but when one comes to face it personally, even the biggest supporters take shelter under the orthodox thinking. At the end very few people are left supporting their close ones for who they are .A reality check, Its hard for people to accept someone for who they really are .

Seema & Shanon created buzz all over when they got married . They are one of those Lesbian couples who grabbed some eyes when they got married . A ceremony rare to see , where both the families gave their consent , accepted the relationship their daughters were into and moreover were involved in the entire ceremony. It was one beautiful wedding any girl would ever want  . This wedding definitely showed one thing that in a gay/lesbian relationship both the partners have equal importance , both share same level of satisfaction , both have same call unlike in a straight marriage , where the husband is given more importance.

 Does love need the tag of being orientated towards just the opposite sex because as most of us say and believe or certainly I do, that Love is an emotion which cannot be measured by your preference or sex or age or looks. If you love somebody its the emotion , connection and the bond that matters and not ones orientation. If you get a smile on your face  when you see your partner happy,  you are sad when you see your partner in dis-stress or when you get a smile on your face by just seeing your loved one eating your hand made food, that's love . Now wheres the orientation involved in this . LOVE does not need to be known by the orientation you follow but the emotions and connection of the people involved in a romantic relation. 


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