
Showing posts from December, 2014

Happiness with a cost

Is being happy really that important ? You might wonder and the instant answer will be yes with a perfectly perceived reaction (wtf is wrong with this girl ??) . Being happy is important but if your happiness comes at the cost of giving away your dreams , giving away your desires , curbing your voice , doing everything your loved ones always wanted you to do but never even thought of doing something for yourself and you call that being happy .. Strange but true !!!    Is being selfless feasible ? A person who is selfless after a point becomes too dependent on the people around them and once they ditch or leave them , its like a whole new life with new people to communicate with.    Initially when one gets into a relationship , everything is fresh & new . Even the worst habits that ones seemed to be irritating with other people, now suddenly that is something you love about your partner the most. All you want to do is to get a smile on the face of your LOVE because seeing yo