Happiness with a cost

Is being happy really that important ? You might wonder and the instant answer will be yes with a perfectly perceived reaction (wtf is wrong with this girl ??) . Being happy is important but if your happiness comes at the cost of giving away your dreams , giving away your desires , curbing your voice , doing everything your loved ones always wanted you to do but never even thought of doing something for yourself and you call that being happy .. Strange but true !!! 

 Is being selfless feasible ? A person who is selfless after a point becomes too dependent on the people around them and once they ditch or leave them , its like a whole new life with new people to communicate with. 
 Initially when one gets into a relationship , everything is fresh & new . Even the worst habits that ones seemed to be irritating with other people, now suddenly that is something you love about your partner the most. All you want to do is to get a smile on the face of your LOVE because seeing your partner happy makes your day complete . But wait a minute !! what if you have to surrender your lifestyle , your habits , your desires , eating habits , drinking habits ….basically become like a human transformer just to get that one  smile on your partner's face  and cherish to celebrate about how happy you are.

 Fair enough to an extent where both the partners sacrifice something or the other but what if its just one half who is constantly trying to understand the other , where one half is doing what the other one wants, only to be happy . But what about the other partner in a relationship? Doing nothing , still going on with the blame game , taunting and not even trying to understand the person who loves them most and questioning about being happy ? But do they ever think the cost their partner has to pay just so that they can see their better or other half happy and the smile that made them fall in the stupid social institution called , Love.

 Even in a kinship bond ,  happiness comes with a cost to pay. Though this cost is more for the female members of our society. Generally a girl is made to follow what her family wants , get married to the choice of  groom the family has selected , handle their job and family at the same time and one mistake , society is ready to crush them down . Still even after all the hurdles in life they manage to find happiness.

 Talking about the LGBT community . Well , its India . Its but obvious that they are looked upon as infected people , as people who are sick , a curse , a bad influence to the society but just being with a person they feel connected with is not a crime . Yet after bearing all the social torture they somehow manage to find happiness . A little support and they wont have to pay any such cost to have a happy ending.  No matter how much I write about one finding ultimate happiness or being happy , we all have to  sacrifice something at some point in our life only to see our near and dear ones happy and by seeing them happy we attain happiness . A person can be selfish with the entire world but will be selfless with the ones they really care for . 



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