
Showing posts from December, 2015


The name is enough. “Naam hi kaafi hai”. Every single person you ask will be seen doing something. "Paapi pet ka Jo sawaal hai". Most students will just not be studying but will be working too, so that their lifestyle does not create a pressure on their family. Obviously leaving a bunch of rich spoiled kids who know that they'll end up getting their "papa ka office" and his property anyways. Harsh yet truthful. This first post focuses  on the lifestyle of a youngster between the age group of 18-30. Well at most places young means 18-24 but when in Mumbai there’s no limit to how young you can be. SO let’s just take the max limit here as 30. Early morning college, internships later followed by a party and if Redbull helps then there we go for an after party as well. It wouldn't just be a vague generalization if I say, "Every young party buff has had numerous such moments." Well I certainly have done it & it’s like a new story very passing day!