
Showing posts from 2013

Friendship ? ? ? ?

We all have friends, at least one that's what we think of. But does real friendship exist in reality. Well we all know the answer to this question but somehow there's some sought of a burdened fear on us .This fear never lets us accept the reality that was always there in front of us. The reality check that comes at rescue when realized was never really required.  There are group of people who show off a lot as the besties and will show that they are friends forever or "BFF's" to quote the exact word. Yeah well there is a connection between two or more people but assuming that , the person will be there forever is kinda creepy and is something miles away from the reality that we check on it later on in our lives. In some situations we know by just looking at the person , that this dude or this chick is a big back-stabber . In some cases this assumption might not be true but our instincts can never give a wrong decision to our brain.We still carry on friends


Well it all starts off with some freshness and some excitement but with more of nervousness . We are filled with confidence to see a new life , to face new challenges ,to make new friends . We plan a lot about our new beginning and for a new turn , that we are not sure as to where it will take us. As our 12th grade is over we make a billion new dreams every day . We  aim at scoring for the best. We aim for the highest achievements possible (as that to what we think) . There's this new kinda breeze that we all wanna feel and just get in the flow with it.  The first day is basically an analysing day . We just try to remember names and try extremely hard to know the person we are talking to . First day we find all our teachers to be tremendously amazing . But as days pass by we keep making new set of friends . We try to be so pathetically good with everyone while carrying a big fake smile. It is actually after a couple of months when we come to know who will be there with us f

That ONE Waiting Month

We all have been through this phase or are going through or may be its still to come . It is that one month that    decides as to what will happen with your life ,it is that one  month that decides what you will be and that  one month that takes us on a roller coaster ride of emotions . Some just curse this time ,some know that this month will be the best for them . For some its like more add-on time to their regular sleep . 12th grade is gone. We all know the very next step after it. Getting ourselves registered, applying to various colleges, universities etc. Some decide to drop a year and prepare and most of the students are just eager to explore the real world waiting ahead for them. For students moving from small to big towns , is a really big deal. They finally get to see the world beyond their limited scope. Students just keep thinking and imagining as to how their new life will be , how will they manage everything in limited money, limited resources and a