Friendship ? ? ? ?

We all have friends, at least one that's what we think of. But does real friendship exist in reality. Well we all know the answer to this question but somehow there's some sought of a burdened fear on us .This fear never lets us accept the reality that was always there in front of us. The reality check that comes at rescue when realized was never really required. 

There are group of people who show off a lot as the besties and will show that they are friends forever or "BFF's" to quote the exact word. Yeah well there is a connection between two or more people but assuming that , the person will be there forever is kinda creepy and is something miles away from the reality that we check on it later on in our lives.

In some situations we know by just looking at the person , that this dude or this chick is a big back-stabber . In some cases this assumption might not be true but our instincts can never give a wrong decision to our brain.We still carry on friendship with such people hoping that they will change or its just because of the spark or connection we feel with them.

At times we feel that this friend is meant to be with us forever. Then suddenly something happens and we get to see a reality check . Aha!! so this is it . Now this is what  he /she had in mind . When someone really needs a friend it is then when they turn their backs . It is then when they show all the actual love and care they claimed to have for us.

On occasions when you would do everything for your friend or your group and then when something related to you is about to commence ...Wallah !! there's a big surprise , they forget or just find an excuse to escape . So this is friendship?

When given a choice a large number of people will be ready to give their life and love for friendship. But now lets just face the real world for a minute , what about our family or that loved one who will be there forever or those people whom we call friends ,who will just be there to party or be there just to have a good time when they need to pass their time. 

Yes, no doubt we need friends at every stage of life . Friends also change at every point but they are just there or we are there for them so that we do not feel left out or lonely in social or public gatherings. We need them to feel important . 

Every relation in life has its pros and cons . Friendship is no less than any other relation .Like every other attachment with people in our life ,friends are ones who are supposed to be there forever . No matter how much I write or people discuss on it , friendship is something that will remain a curse to some or a blessing forever to a lucky few.


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