That ONE Waiting Month

We all have been through this phase or are going through or may be its still to come . It is that one month that    decides as to what will happen with your life ,it is that one  month that decides what you will be and that  one month that takes us on a roller coaster ride of emotions .

Some just curse this time ,some know that this month will be the best for them . For some its like more add-on time to their regular sleep .

12th grade is gone. We all know the very next step after it. Getting ourselves registered, applying to various colleges, universities etc. Some decide to drop a year and prepare and most of the students are just eager to explore the real world waiting ahead for them.

For students moving from small to big towns , is a really big deal. They finally get to see the world beyond their limited scope. Students just keep thinking and imagining as to how their new life will be , how will they manage everything in limited money, limited resources and as to how will they perform in academics .

Up to now we were in a shelter . Our parents ,our family covered us at every point. But now we have to take a step out of our nest to fly high and compete in this marathon like world. Its hard for our parents as well to send their life away from themselves but no matter how much they feel bad. Its a tough decision but as people "If you wanna be something in life you got to give up something in exchange with it "

We just plan and plan and plan about the next life waiting for us but in reality when it actually arrives we are just out of words. If everything happens according to us ,the world is like a rainbow soaring high . And if nothing happens as per our plans then we just fall apart (only for sometime) but we are back again in the race.

Its not about studying in a great college or in a high profile area. Its all about how well we can perform and how fast we can adjust  ourselves to the new surroundings. (surroundings like this one)

Everything happens in that one waiting month . Its like a motion picture that gets captured in our minds forever. "That One Waiting Month "



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