Feel Alive For Who You Are

We all indeed go through times , where we feel this is the end . This how things go on in the world .A Little sadness , Little happiness , tear in eyes ,we get upset and the heart just questions that is it how tough times are supposed to last. Brain freezes in spite of being the most functional organ.

I am talking about a phase that at some point in our lives we all go through . Some call it depression , some call it isolation . It has multiple names like anxiety, stress , break from the world phase , being too open or too close or just moving along concealing oneself all the way is just another form of it. I'm no psychologist to give an expert opinion but surely can highlight a few important aspects we people ignore knowingly . Mentioning by saying it happens unknowingly would be an error on my part .

There is often this person who is very open about his/her life , about their social life but it doesn't mean that the person is of a bad character or is a drunkard . That is just their way of living their life . Pretending they will never come to know what you talk behind or the taunting comments on their face ; Well my dear you are heavily mistaken . It effects them . Is being open , being free a crime to be paid by being looked upon ?I'm sure the people who talk themselves have a social life where even they booze , party till they drop but prefer to maintain a Mother Teresa double faced attitude at work or college or coming down to a lower social level i.e even at school.

The person you just called fat , chubby or pulled their cheeks because they don't have a perfect physique doesn't mean they are out of place . Only that person knows the pain and the struggle behind loosing that weight . Some have genetic issues , some are maybe suffering from diabetes or thyroid . It breaks that person  completely . No support and only comments that make them worthless in spite of being incredibly talented . Maybe the fattest kid in class is the best dancer or maybe he/she ,definitely is a better person at heart . Once when they decide to get over all this social sacred hatred and burn all that hatred fat , its only questions and no congratulations . Like Oh! you lost weight .how ? or Did you get a lipo done ? But in reality that person squatted  hard working out everyday at the gym in spite of the injuries and medical injuries along the way.

Yes some might question why to change . But why not question the society as to why look down upon somebody for being who they really are . Family support matters the most . Well in India too majority people support LGBT rights? Ah! wait they don't ? Well yes its India , how can they.

God forbid if someone is gay , lesbian ,bisexual or a trans-gender ; its a game over right from the very beginning . Is it wrong for loving or being with the person of the same gender as yours . As rightly said by someone Marriage  is about being with the person you love and want to share your life with . Then why divide love on the basis of orientation. families, friends , societies need to be welcoming . There will be no need for anybody to ever be in the closet .

Every person is born different , every person looks different , every individual has a different way of living this life given to them by god and not by you . With you I mean the ones criticising somebody for being original. It all happens for a reason . Be that person who one would want to share a smile with and not develop a grudge to kill every time they see you. Don't be the reason for someones depression. Be the reason to make all our lives filled with joy .

There is no end to writing on this . By now the question must have popped up in the top floor that is meant for this particular sensible cause . Be who you are , don't let anyone effect you . If anyone looks down upon you or talks about you, just take it in the sense that since your life is more interesting they are talking about you and not their lives . Takes this negativity and change it into positivity .



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