Why this oddness??

It is so odd ...u know when you come from a different place ..a different region.. What are problems one can face.. language problem...locality problem...neighbour problem... direction problem..... Many such problems..

But according to me.. the main problem is the feeling .....which we start feeling when we are away from our native place... Suddenly we realize that we not there any more... we start missing our friends...our family...our old school... and the most importantly.. the original you.

Most of us try to portrait ourselves like a totally different "me". What we used to be..we try to get into the atmosphere... We kinda have a odd feeling about everything we do...

I don't know why I'm writing this post... but  I know one thing for sure...that i  have a solution for this oddness.... We just have to keep patience ...patience is the key to most of our success ...and most of the solutions in this world... we just gotta keep patience to solve this "odd" problem..... Lets c this patience thing works or not....

You never know what can happen anytime.... oddness is just a matter of fact.... with just patience and a strong mind...this oddness can fly off........... :)


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