a fresh start

                                                            A FRESH START

Well it all begins with something gained or lost.... You either get new friends or some remain the same ... This is how the first the day of college is... especially when you have just done school till 10th. and joined a junior college(jc) after that.... 
We are nervous in beginning ....we dont know whats gonna happen with us.. First three days specially is when most of us feel a bit out of place or a bit awkward.. Some of us face ragging as well... thank god...i did not had to face that..
A week later we start feeling good... then we realise that this is actually the kind of place where we were meant to be..With some new friends..a few supportive teachers...and great canteen staff..we start feeling good...
Its when life takes a fresh new start. We are out of the palce where we used to be in a unifrom and bunked quite rarely..or some never bunked as well... college is where we all take a fresh new start......


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