Fun in so two ways

You know people say that the last two years of school life i.e 11th and 12th is considered to be the best time of life ... And college to be even better ..

Just think if someone gets both of these  at the same time.. well you just have to be in a junior college to get such a kind of feeling . The fun ,the excitement . the enthusiasm  doubles when students step into the two beautiful years of their life. The fun of college and strictness of school all together .

Students living in metros can generally get this awesome and fantastic opportunity .. i got this awesome chance of feeling like in heaven... Me and my friends have full on fun when we have to ... and we study as soon as we see the lecturer entering the class . The fun at college fests and the spirit of co-operation that we learn at these college fests is just incredible. Where as at school  we just learn to be perfect in every manner .

Junior college teaches us way more than what schools teach us in 11th and 12th . They develop a spirit of endurance and coconfidence within the students . Students have  a healthy surrounding where no one else is trying to over power each other . Students here at junior colleges value friendship, value studies , value their teachers ,their college and even gain a point of respect from the society.

Schools are also good and even junior colleges .. Each of it has its own special value . But somehow I feel that junior colleges teaches a student way more than what a school can teach . I just try to write something different with a different view..

Maybe this is the reason why students have "Fun in so two ways"...... ..


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