
Showing posts from June, 2014

21st Century Fun

FUN- describing this word might kick us into a bowl of questions. What exactly is fun? Is it going out partying around , or if fun by hitting on strange people , getting laid or is it going out, exploring places, going on picnics, outings, road trips, family dinners, playing cards or just sitting underneath the moon light with the love of your life.    Fun means different to different people. Has a different aspect in everyone’s life. Each of us is born with a propensity to have fun doing certain type of activities. It is something that is not limited to a particular age group, community or society.Fun just describes the real person in you. In olden days the scope and different ways to have fun was very limited. Fun was considered something that could only be enjoyed with family and friends and not unlike today where we meet random strange people at a rave and tag it as fun. Books, friends, family, harvest feast, ball dances, used to be the main sources of fu


The day starts with updating our happenings . Instead of getting out of bed and wishing our family , our roommates good morning , we prefer updating our status on facebook and wishing the so called friend circle and followers a morning supposedly to be good .  There was a time when we had no facebook , twitter or instagram to let everyone know about every second of our movement yet people had a better form of relationship with their friends and family.   We go out ,click click , instagram , hash tag(# ), facebook it, tweet and un necessary internet time . Or just try exploring the wonderful world around . The day starts with #tag and ends with #tag. Uploading a picture in the same outfit twice is a big taboo . Updating randomly   about having a fried chicken at KFC has become more important but hello !! Can’t it be possible to focus on the chicken first . A life of a social networking person is no less than one addicted to weed or alcohol. Where on one side if you stop