Sometimes I just wonder

Luxury , we all experience at least once in our lifetime

Sometimes I just wonder , what if the position, the comfort , the exquisite luxury and the life we cherish , is all taken away , is all lost for ever . The question surely does strike us. When compared to the masala reads and gossips, the writings which are meant to be informative wont draw that much of attention as it is supposed to. Strange yet 100% true.

Just imagine (I hope it never happens), you go out on the streets of India; beggary is one phenomenon that is very much prevalent and somewhat un- avoidable in a nation that is succeeding towards glory though at a tortoise pace. The next moment the beggar is in  your place and you in his.
Just try to imagine what your life will be. Let’s just start from 7am in the morning, the average time when most of us wake up. Some have servants and are served bed tea. Now let’s go back to the streets, where you wake up when the Municipal Corporation people clean up the mess or when you get up all startled at the noise of honking or with a shocking bark of a dog. Now because you are a beggar, most of the beggars live on the foot-path, under certain flyovers or are forced to live in such de-humanising conditions,where it is out of our patience to stand even for a moment or two.

We wake up, take up a shower, and have a hygienic breakfast under the light of best of amenities. Reading a newspaper and blaming without even actually helping the authorities to stop all in human and black activities and within minutes out of the house in our fancy cars.

Now for people living along the road sides , well it’s like a once in a blue moon opportunity to get a good bath and breakfast , they can either beg for it and buy some un hygienic stuff or just steal it. Some are forced to fight for their supper with street dogs(surprised yet again?).

You work in an office, air conditioned again with all amenities and a beggar works in all sorts of weather conditions, good or bad to fill up his stomach. You have a bed, an air conditioner, access to all governmental facilities. They are not even existential in the eyes of the society, no governmental proof of their existence. Technically speaking they are like an unfavourable part of a nation but we just chat or debate about it and in reality turn our faces when we see such people. Talking about intention, there’s none to help.

We keep demanding change from our family members, our seniors, our society, our government, but what do we do to fight a social evil. For instance, the on goings in Iraq right now. We turn on the television, swap through news channels, think and show our so called feelings and oh its 9pm, time for your favourite show and you forget everything and get clued to a stupid sitcom that has no value to spread.

What if, each and every one of send in letters, emails, calls to the authorities, officials, wont that be a step to do something in such situations. No change can take place by liking a post or a page or by sharing some stupid update hoping that face book will help to avoid such a crisis.Taking out a candle march too cant help in your objective unless we actually do something and stop accusing the authorities. Well honestly, deep down we all know its shit!!!

It’s an old saying, but still it has to be reminded to people, every now and then, Change begins from you, Change begins at home. Why to have a feeling of hatred for anyone, why not help a person instead, why not try to put ourselves in someone else's position and try to solve the problem.

Liking, sharing, video uploads and even this blog can’t do anything quite big till the time we don’t change our thinking and our outlook to get a solution for every other problem surrounding us.


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