The day starts with updating our happenings . Instead of getting out of bed and wishing our family , our roommates good morning , we prefer updating our status on facebook and wishing the so called friend circle and followers a morning supposedly to be good . 
There was a time when we had no facebook , twitter or instagram to let everyone know about every second of our movement yet people had a better form of relationship with their friends and family.
We go out ,click click , instagram , hash tag(# ), facebook it, tweet and un necessary internet time . Or just try exploring the wonderful world around . The day starts with #tag and ends with #tag. Uploading a picture in the same outfit twice is a big taboo . Updating randomly  about having a fried chicken at KFC has become more important but hello !! Can’t it be possible to focus on the chicken first .
A life of a social networking person is no less than one addicted to weed or alcohol. Where on one side if you stop consuming weed or alcohol you become restless , it becomes difficult for an addict to survive . The same happens with a social network addict. “Updated the status ok !! No likes omg!! , I cannot survive.” This is what generally happens . People live for likes , we have started living to update our happenings but not actually getting involved in it.
We update about watching a movie .. Ah !! Excuse me please watch the movie , we all know it’s a new release so it’s obvious one would like to watch it. Giving random poses , making duck faces , looking in somewhere ,up –down-left-right and captioning it as “my life my rules” . Like , seriously , take a break !!!
It’s been two months , time for a new profile picture , Oh ! Did I just say that, it’s a DP , that’s what people will tell you if you use the word Profile Picture aka Display Picture. Updated your “DP” , #tag a number of irrelevant words, caption with some random saying or a quote that has no relevance with your picture and Walla !! you have a perfectly over hiked DP to get more likes on the latest one than you had on your previous DP .Not enough likes , not to worry , change it to some old one , you will get some likes on that too and then change it again to keep getting likes on your DP with a caption that is as fake as the smile in your picture.
Uploading pictures to an album and naming it . “ITS ME” . We all know it’s you sweetie , please no need for further introduction . The main purpose of Social Networking was to increase communication , to build stronger relations but now it’s just about updates, likes , #tags , tweets , shares and headache , pain , fights ,miss use and a jealousy building machine.
Yes , no doubt this social trap is fun . This change was introduced for a better connection but not for building hatred deep down inside just because your profile  isn’t as cool as someone else in your batch. Social network does help to connect but it’s a trap , you enter with high spirits and get addicted to it so badly that it becomes like a hell bound to escape .
Connection to networking to fun to sorrows to jealousy . A social trap, hard to exit.


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