21st Century Fun

FUN- describing this word might kick us into a bowl of questions. What exactly is fun? Is it going out partying around , or if fun by hitting on strange people , getting laid or is it going out, exploring places, going on picnics, outings, road trips, family dinners, playing cards or just sitting underneath the moon light with the love of your life. 

Fun means different to different people. Has a different aspect in everyone’s life. Each of us is born with a propensity to have fun doing certain type of activities. It is something that is not limited to a particular age group, community or society.Fun just describes the real person in you.

In olden days the scope and different ways to have fun was very limited. Fun was considered something that could only be enjoyed with family and friends and not unlike today where we meet random strange people at a rave and tag it as fun. Books, friends, family, harvest feast, ball dances, used to be the main sources of fun. For some “really into sex type” men, fun was going to brothels or having sexual intercourse with their wives. Well a proved fact of the population explosion back then. Sex was considered to be the ultimate activity to have fun back in those days.

Though even today, involvement in sexual activities is the major way by which most of the adult’s fun but fun in 21st century is way beyond one can even imagine. The basic concept of fun is still the same but its technology that has just shifted fun from being earthed to sky rise level. Time is one such phenomenon that limits the fun we could have. That wasn’t so in the olden days. Positive attitude, a spirit and stamina to enjoy after a long tiring week at work, passion and determination is needed now to have fun. 

 Fun in the 21st century involves mostly drinking, clubbing, going out to nearest hot spots on weekends, going out on random dates etc. It not only helps us to be the real person(as in self realisation types) but  it helps us to relax mentally as well. After an entire week of nagging, running behind the boss, trying to cope up with the world, weekends serve for the best time to have fun.
The best part about having fun is that you can be you, not the person that you have to pretend to be in the society. Giving time to smile at random stuff can be fun, enjoying your hobby can be fun. Bob Basso (not very known to people like us, a philosopher by the way), once said, “If it’s not fun, you’re not doing it right”. No matter what you do try to make that fun. Try to make serious situations funny, except for one like a funeral.

Hollywood wild man Charlie Sheen makes fun of his partying ways in a new commercial — for beer.The former "Two And A Half Men" star is seen leaving a rehab center joking, “Let’s not have a drink sometime!”.However on his drive home, Sheen cannot believe his eyes as everyone from cops to joggers are gulping down beers.As he arrives home the star realizes there's no escaping the beer craze.He ends up toasting his pals with the drink Bavaria.His advert comes around 15 months after he suffered a meltdown from drink and drugs, before being booted off 'Two And A Half Men.'.Fun can be real by getting involved in some real activities and faux fun well it’s just our very own alcohol. Consume alcohol and it will take you to such a level , to such a place that even the real fun will seem to be useless when compared with  it. Whereas for people who are boring they call fun filled people immature just because they don’t know what fun is or maybe they do not have the right set of people to show what’s fun.

Fun, a scintillating aspect, a controversial part for every teenager, a word that moves the floor of parents of a young girl. One word, one activity, but different measures –different concepts.


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