
Showing posts from 2015


The name is enough. “Naam hi kaafi hai”. Every single person you ask will be seen doing something. "Paapi pet ka Jo sawaal hai". Most students will just not be studying but will be working too, so that their lifestyle does not create a pressure on their family. Obviously leaving a bunch of rich spoiled kids who know that they'll end up getting their "papa ka office" and his property anyways. Harsh yet truthful. This first post focuses  on the lifestyle of a youngster between the age group of 18-30. Well at most places young means 18-24 but when in Mumbai there’s no limit to how young you can be. SO let’s just take the max limit here as 30. Early morning college, internships later followed by a party and if Redbull helps then there we go for an after party as well. It wouldn't just be a vague generalization if I say, "Every young party buff has had numerous such moments." Well I certainly have done it & it’s like a new story very passing day!

UNFREEDOM- the banned voice in a democratic nation

Yes, I am a citizen of India and the fundamental rights endow me with freedom of speech and expression but can I depict reality in my thoughts and expressions through words or any other medium? Unfortunately NO! I cannot talk on issues based on actual instances. Not only this, I cannot even use media and art to illustrate what people of my nation actually witness. I recently watched Unfreedom Movie. A friend suggested it to me and the minute the movie got over, tears rolled down my cheeks. It definitely left me awe stricken. I knew that religious terrorism and the LGBT rights are the biggest topics of deliberation everywhere but somebody could portray them in such an exquisite manner... was never conventional!  In spite of the brilliant storyline, award winning script, critically acclaimed acting, Cinematography by national award winning Cinematographer Hari Nair and Sound Designing by Oscar winning Resul Pookutty, the movie has been banned in India. Our censor board

Feel Alive For Who You Are

We all indeed go through times , where we feel this is the end . This how things go on in the world .A Little sadness , Little happiness , tear in eyes ,we get upset and the heart just questions that is it how tough times are supposed to last. Brain freezes in spite of being the most functional organ. I am talking about a phase that at some point in our lives we all go through . Some call it depression , some call it isolation . It has multiple names like anxiety, stress , break from the world phase , being too open or too close or just moving along concealing oneself all the way is just another form of it. I'm no psychologist to give an expert opinion but surely can highlight a few important aspects we people ignore knowingly . Mentioning by saying it happens unknowingly would be an error on my part . There is often this person who is very open about his/her life , about their social life but it doesn't mean that the person is of a bad character or is a drunkard . That

Gender or No Gender Justice

The following is post is the same as posted on It is an article , an article that reflects my perspective about the law in our nation regarding gender. You can get more such legal articles on the aforementioned site , India's first open online discussion forum. The article talks in brief about the intersection between the law and the gender justice. The piece throws light on some major judicial pronouncements that were rendered to strike the equal balance between the law and the gender justice, by our judiciary. The recognition of ‘third gender’ is also an important element of this article and whether LGBT community can have a status of equality and dignity or not, talks Ashna Jha     -Ashna Jha is pursuing law (BA., LL.B.) from Rizvi Law College, Mumbai. We all talk about as to how the rights should be equal, how and what can be done to make justice equal and impartial. What has the society and most importantly judiciary contributed towards makin

Live with Pride

It was a day of pride for the LGBT community in Mumbai on 31st January, 2015. The annual pride parade was one extravagant affair. A parade for the equal rights, a parade for acceptance, a parade where love meant love and nothing was gender biased. I met one such person who has been witnessing that love needs no gender to be defined. Parenthood needs no gender to set an example of a good parental   care. Keya an independent woman has been brought by two mothers.  I asked her a few questions about how it is and how much different is it from a regular heterosexual family. How was it with two mothers bringing you up? Keya It was really great. I have a twin sister also & I have never really been with a father so I can’t compare how a father would be or something but my mom’s girlfriend she’s not exactly like our mom but still I feel that parental care with her . So do you feel that parental touch with her (her mom’s gf)? Ya ya completely & she is more t