Equally Human – Equally Proud – Mumbai Pride Parade 2016


www.alembic.photography6/2/2016 – The day of the annual LGBTQ pride parade at Mumbai. Like every year scenes seemed same to a level but there was something more to it. The support, the ray of hope after the curative petition being accepted at the apex court, more and more people coming out in support and international media walking along with the crowd helping to spread the word about equality, was something to look forward for in our near future.

But even today, people from the community are looked down upon as criminals even by the ones we call family, friends & colleagues.

I interviewed two amazing people this year ;Mayuresh and Soniya. I asked both a few questions and I’m sure after reading this post if you are a homophobic then to some extent it should be able to eradicate this thought process of yours.

Soniya, an interior designer who works for a Delhi based Company as a senior executive in Pune, might look different to the orthodox thinkers but she is just like you and me. A human being to be precise. I hawhich isood long conversation with her and it made me feel that how we are still treating people “too differently”.

Soniya has opened up about her sexuality to her mother but still there is some sort of resistance and being in Pune has only a few friends. It was her 4th year at the Mumbai Pride Parade and just like everyone else she had one plea for people of our nation and the government; “Even we have our own identity, they (society) doesn’t recognize it. Even the family members see us in a weird way and it’s emotionally very hurting. I’ve never tried to commit suicide and never will. I am very PROUD of who I am. If I’m enjoying my work I want to enjoy my sexuality as well”

All we (pro LGBT) are asking is to live happily as heterosexuals are. Some even say that heterosexuals don’t come out in such a manner. Well, given all the rights who needs to.
Furthermore, Soniya added that the community is not asking for anything else like other sections are. Say some quota, reservation or land etc. All that they need is equality, equality of identity. A demand, very small yet a basic fundamental right.

And when I asked her about the development or changes towards the community, the answer got a certain smile on my face. She said and I quote, “the behaviour has certainly improved in the recent past. There are people like you who come ahead to talk, take interviews, know what and how the struggle is like. Before even the media was scared to be associated with the community”.
After this positive feedback, when asked about which city is more homosexual friendly and the experience at pride parade 2016 her reply was not surprising at all. “Mumbai, it is the only city which is open hearted & welcomes everyone irrespective of their gender or sexuality”.

So, this was Soniya. A member of the LGBT community and later on I asked a few questions from another friend of mine, Mayuresh. An active member of the community and an amazing person to talk to.

He was pretty happy with the outcome of the parade, double to what it was last year. His look depicted the rainbow flag of the community and only demand being that of to scrap Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code. One happy being, who cares what his sexuality is! If u agree so , let me know in the comments below.

P.S I have not mentioned as to what sexuality or gender the aforementioned people belong to. I believe in just one thing –“HUMANITY

One incredible experience, a day, a march to recognize the value of being human. The Mumbai Pride Parade, 2016.
And flash – The next pride parade is in Hyderabad on 22nd February, 2016
Photographs – Alembic photography (Abhijit Alka Anil)               


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