Mumbai Part 2

Mumbai, the land of Bollywood. The land of Corporate affairs. The mecca for trade. Mumbai is truthfully the jack of all and master of all trades. The biggest reason for Mumbai being the land of dreams is obviously our hundred and two year old Bollywood.  For this sole reason hundreds and thousands of people migrate to this “Nagriya”.

By this short intro above you must have guessed what the second is all about. Nope it’s not Bollywood. It is life through the eyes of a struggler. People talk about how stardom feels like, what success is or the story behind it. You might get a short reply in brief, “that indeed I worked hard, gave a said number of auditions and finally here I am, cherishing the taste of success”. But a majority of them struggle almost for a major time of their life give up by trying and facing shitty politics and seeing resourceful kids getting in without knowing what struggle actually means.

For starters let’s just imagine that you are in Lokhandwala or Bandra. Lokhandwala is hands down the “adda” to find strugglers. But hereon I won’t call them strugglers instead Warriors. Because let’s be honest it’s not an easy job to fake an emotion, fake a feeling, fake pain when you really don’t have one. Like literally hats off I can’t even fake hatred towards a person and  yes being tolerant to this (hope this doesn’t become an “online” issue) but seriously I respect such people who keep on trying because the taste of success later on is worth than a thousand failures faced before .

Imagine you start a project it gets done or right though the midway something happens and the entire project gets canned. All your dreams and future was depending on that one particular project. Divested, shattered, hopeless, depressing right? Just imagine what it must be like when you work on a movie and everything is done but due to reasons like post production or marketing the movie doesn’t reach the audience. Not only the work of the actors go un0notices but each and every person who was associated with the movie goes down the drain. The director, writer, makeup artists, stylist etc., all goes unnoticed and un appreciated.

Then it’s due to repetitive rejections in spite of having bunk loads of talent, warriors are forced to resort to unlawful means. By unlawful means I mean prostitution, marijuana trade, smuggling of unlawful substance, middleman work or rather known as “Dalaali”.

And as talked about before in this post the slip slop instant success of resourceful kids. I’m not saying that they get the fame easily but surely the process and struggle isn’t available to them. Being self-made is a feeling all such folks will never even know.
And it’s not just Bollywood that faces this problem. Indeed celebrities are now coming out with their struggling stories and the issues and problems but not to forget there are tons of other industries as well in which we have to face crappy situations.

For me as well I am inclined towards writing but I’m pursuing law at the same time. Be it any profession struggle and hardship go hand in Hand. Limelight eagles and fame hungry warriors have to face it to a limit beyond survival.
At the end all it takes is a will or maybe for some “papa wala connection”. What will come next?

Stay hooked up for Mumbai part 3 … Teesra wala karega isse bhi bada dhamaka


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