
Showing posts from November, 2017


You can contact me via  Facebook  ,  Instagram  ,  Linkedin  or  Twitter . Ride, not because you have to Ride because you want to. Ride, not because you want to prove them wrong Ride because you want to prove yourself wrong . Ride, not because you want show off your fancy jacket , expensive bike or illegal stunts Ride because you respect the rules, the people on the streets and most importantly your bike. Ride, not because you have a stereotype to shatter Ride because you have an example to set. Ride, not because you want popularity or fame Ride, because you want to learn , explore , travel & grow. Ride, not because its an item on your to do list Ride because you're passionate about it. Ride because you have hunger for it Ride like you were born for it. 

She Moved Aside

She Moved Aside, Hoping a miracle would save her from the night.  Hiding in a corner Breathing like a baby She was looking for hope In a world where men sinned.  Looking out every second, Desperate to find someone through her sight  Waiting for the moment of safety But danger had no plans to spare.  Whispering to herself, In a voice that was scared but strong  A girl was trapped  Hoping she would not be forgotten, Hoping she would not be gone. There came the danger With an army to tame the innocent soul She Fought like a hero  But lost the fight.  Hope had other plans, It still wanted to fight with her and by her side.  There she laid lifeless, on the road  Hoping, that now she might win at life  Why give up & let danger win It was never a fight for one night Many more were to come, As she mumbled to herself, In the corner while she moved aside.  You can get in touch with me via  Facebook   Instagram  &  Twitter  for more updates and col

Let's Make it LIT

You can follow me on Facebook - Instagram - Twitter- This is the third post on the “Recycled art “and today I’m going to share an image that will certainly make you want to LIT up your room or any part of the house. I have always believed that a house speaks about the one who resides in it. I wanted to do something off track for Diwali decoration this year. Yes, these bottles with light installed in them are easily available but what’s missing is the sense of a personal touch and of course the shit load of money that you’ll be saving. You can use any bottle of your choice but make sure to wash it with soap water & dry it well before you start painting on it. Also make sure the remains of the label on the bottle come off well else the paint won’t set properly. You can either scrape off the label using a knife or soak the bottle in water for two hours or m

Absolutely Recycled

You can follow me on  Facebook - Instagram- Twitter - If asked what vodka would one prefer? Majority would answer, “Absolute”. You pour, stir, sip and fall and then what after. You throw that magnificent container of “Madeira” into the bin and move on with another as if that bottle betrayed you. Did not give you the kick that you needed. Tell it, that it was it all fake, you just drank from it for the heck of it. Your answer would definitely be “no”, isn’t it? Then why throw the bottle away, instead use your imagination, depict your creativity and make the bottle feel special. You can use any type of paint or can cover it with the design , art or basically anything of your choice. Just keep one thing in mind , be sure to feel happy when you're doing this. 

Death Kisses the Fire

Death Kisses the Fire A Pyre of Love, Flowing deep inside Inside, lightning the door Taking me to troubled Paradise of your desire. Through to the side of fire Meet again on a ride Symphony in the atmosphere Death beaming brighter that any pain. Mellow strings of Guitar Nothing compared to the serpent Peace that can be forever on. Deadly, only the wars of the world Death, a pyre of love. Power of desire Showing the kiss of fire Fear overtaking Riding to the other side of fire Went with the wind To see death, that was moving within pieces of me. What I see is scared faces Falling apart with every hit Blown away by the moving sound Deepest to ours Secret to the end. Death, an ecstasy of a trip. Death, oh! death My paradise in one frame I’m free to feel the way Your hands of pretense Playing with a power of desire, Death, my power to kiss the fire.   You can follow me on  Facebook -  Facebook Page Instagram -

Recycled ART

As humans we all have some sort of talent hidden deep within us. Some use it to write, some to paint, some to treat others medically, some to keep everyone else safe and so on. But what is that particular adjective to describe this criteria, nourishing in all of us. Its but of course creativity. Yes, as weird or vague it might sound, every individual around us is in some or the other way creative. Being creative does not mean being a world renowned personality. Not everyone is creative to be famous. But at times it gets important to share this creativity to get an insight of what can be proved and what peers and nemesis might have an opinion about. As someone once rightly said, you can keep all your work to yourself but at the end of it, it will be nothing but waste. And that someone is pretty sure the author of this piece. I will be now sharing my art work constantly, specifically Bottle Art. For beginners, bottle art is basically painting but on an empty glass bottle. For m