Recycled ART

As humans we all have some sort of talent hidden deep within us. Some use it to write, some to paint, some to treat others medically, some to keep everyone else safe and so on. But what is that particular adjective to describe this criteria, nourishing in all of us. Its but of course creativity.

Yes, as weird or vague it might sound, every individual around us is in some or the other way creative. Being creative does not mean being a world renowned personality. Not everyone is creative to be famous. But at times it gets important to share this creativity to get an insight of what can be proved and what peers and nemesis might have an opinion about. As someone once rightly said, you can keep all your work to yourself but at the end of it, it will be nothing but waste. And that someone is pretty sure the author of this piece.

I will be now sharing my art work constantly, specifically Bottle Art. For beginners, bottle art is basically painting but on an empty glass bottle. For me, it has become a pathway to get away from the hustle and indulge into something peaceful and colorful. After all, colors light up your life and its LIT. And it escalated quickly.

Anyways, this will be the first post based on the artwork I’ve done and will be doing. Will be sharing the images, do’s, how’s, don’ts, basically everything that one might need to know. Bottle Art or What I’d like to call, “Recycled Art”.

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And Instagram - @ashnajd


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