She Moved Aside

She Moved Aside,
Hoping a miracle would save her from the night. 
Hiding in a corner
Breathing like a baby
She was looking for hope
In a world where men sinned. 

Looking out every second,
Desperate to find someone through her sight 
Waiting for the moment of safety
But danger had no plans to spare. 

Whispering to herself,
In a voice that was scared but strong 
A girl was trapped 
Hoping she would not be forgotten,
Hoping she would not be gone.

There came the danger
With an army to tame the innocent soul
She Fought like a hero 
But lost the fight. 
Hope had other plans,
It still wanted to fight with her and by her side. 

There she laid lifeless, on the road 
Hoping, that now she might win at life 
Why give up & let danger win
It was never a fight for one night
Many more were to come,
As she mumbled to herself,
In the corner while she moved aside. 

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