Love Lost In Ages

This is a kind of love story ...or you can say a confused love story ... Its a true story...but names are different and related to one of my friends...
There was this girl named Nikki .. She was in 12th and was studying in a reputed junior college of mumbai.. She was  a jovial kind of girl ...calm ...and easy going ...
She had a crush on her neighbour... She liked him ...and that guy as well liked her a lot.. His name was Sam. ,.....but here comes the crack .. Sam was ten years older to Nikki and was a MBA student..
Now with this age difference they found it hard to contact each other... Nikki one day got Sam's number from her dad's cellphone .. she contacted him...and gradually they started talking..
But Nikki did not tell him her real name.. Instead of this Sam knew that it was Nikki and so he asked her to stop using a fake name...
After that they started talking and the number of meetings began to increase ... They never accepted their love for each other...
Sam was 27 and Nikki was 17. ..they liked talking to each other and spending time...but when it came to a serious affair both had different views... Sam as a  27 year old had some different needs in a relationship whereas Nikki wanted to focus on her career...
They fought on this and stopped talking ... Again a few months later they met in their society and realised that they missed each other... But the next day Sam wanted to meet Nikki but she had coaching  classes at that same time.... That was thire last time they fought and spoke to each other.
It was this age differnce that was the main reason of this heartbreak on both the sides... so we should fall in love but with the one of our own age group... "Love Lost In Ages"...


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