I belong to a male dominated country and scociety .. Every parent (quite a huge majority ) wants a male child . Whats the difference between a  boy and a girl child . For me its nothing but for some people they take it as their reputation of haing a male child .

If a girl is born then............. then it is not at all easy for her to survive in todays world . A girl has to always listen and listen for her entire life .Even if she is right her opinion is not regarded important .She is always regarded as a liability for theit parents and not a child who might in future may make them proud.

Most of the people say that we should respect females but its a question to be taken in mind do they actually practice this saying in their own house?? A great majority of people will not give a positive answer.....The reason is pretty obvious ... They themselves do not treat their daughters or wives as they should. Some of you will be thinking that what am i writting ... This never happens today ...but this is the fact... girls have to bear the burden of being a female for their entire life.

Now gradually because of some people the thinking is changing as well as they are becoming more and more liberal with their daughters as people used to be with their male child. Still in many parts of the world and India we can see girls in a very bad and a dis-respected position.

Its a matter of fact that everyone should know that if girls wont be there then how will boys be there ... Think again people ...With different ways... as "WHY GIRLS" only ??????


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